Mobiel opvolgen, identificeren en beveiligen


Product beschrijving

.b.Alert ID consist of a combination of a RIF reader and a communication module. The module is placed in the car or the van.

Every employee has his own tag/card. Every time he keeps the tags near the reader, a sgnal isgiven to the server with the position and the time of the tagging.

b.Alert ID works consistently as a time-clock to manage the staff on site, but has the extra functionality that the reader can be connected to different electronic devices to create some actions after the tagging like opening doors, lighting lights, starting an engine ...

The exact functions are defined per card on centralized the server level.

Time registration

b.Alert ID and ID+ can provide various data, e.g. hour registration, which can be uploaded to a computer for further analysing.

This is useful not only for the HR administration, but also for logistisc and invoicing of labor cost on different, sites, client sites,, construction sites ....

All data is registered in a central database. No need to read them on the unit.

Restricted Driver Access

When your business uses many different vehicles, it is important that only quaified personnel operates them.

b.Alert ID++ enables you to allocate dynamically a specific vehicle to one of your employees. Only he will be able to start the vehicle, and only in the time frame you allow him to do this.

He needs an RFID card to identfy himself. These cards are activated and deactivated through the web platform in real-time.


b.Alert ID bestaat uit een centrale unit.

De enige bedrade connectie betreft een voeding (12V of 24V).

Deze unit ontvangt de signalen van de passieve tags en stuurt ze door naar de server samen met de GPS positie. Zo weet men steeds waar een asset is of waar hij achtergelaten is en dit met een nauwkeurigheid van minder dan enkele m.

Door de hoge kwaliteit van de GPS module, kan de unit op bijna alle mogelijke plaatsen verborgen worden.

Er zijn 3 versies beschikbaar: in een ABS behuizing, in PU ingegoten of ADR compliant.


De volledige interface is web based. Op die manier is het mogelijk om overal en op alle devices de nodige overzichten en kaarten te zien.

Eventele alarmen worden verstuurd per SMS of email.

Diverse API interfaces zijn beschikbaar zodat het eenvoudig is om de b.Alert Logistics data te interfacen met andere software.

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